5 Social Media Tips for Cafés During COVID19

These past few months have been trying for all of us. For those of you who work in hospitality, it has been particularly hard. Many of you will have closed your doors and even if you did stay open, you will have had to make major changes across your business. But there is light at … Continued

Tips for Coffee Shops to get started on Social Media

How can you attract customers into your business beyond those who pass by or those already familiar with your coffee shop? How can a small independent café compete with the major high street chain down the street? The answer has always been the same – through building strong customer relationships. One of the most effective … Continued

Stamping your Café or Coffee Shop Brand on Social Media

So, you’ve set up your business account on a few social media platforms and you know the basics on how you want to interact with your audience. Now it’s time to make sure your brand is consistent throughout. Your branding should align with your offline strategy too. An online audience should be able to quickly … Continued